I am very excited to announce that will soon be opening a new acupuncture clinic with a difference at Jenna Blair Yoga Studios in Shrewsbury. This will be a community based clinic meaning treatments will be administered in a shared space, which allows us to keep treatments more affordable but still delivering high quality, patient centred care run by Cherry Orchard Acupuncture and Green Rose Acupuncture.
What is a Community Acupuncture Clinic?
A Community Acupuncture Clinic is a ‘multibed’ clinic, a space where several people are treated together, in two adjoining rooms at Jenna Blair Yoga Studios.
Multibed clinics are a new part of acupuncture provision in the West, appearing over the last 10 to 20 years. However, in the Far East it is normal to treat many people together and therefore many people feel it is a more ‘authentic’ way to practice and receive acupuncture.
It is possible for acupuncturists to offer this type of service because acupuncture needles can take 20-45 minutes to do their work, so the practitioner can place needles in one patient, leave them to relax into their treatment, and then move on to another patient.
By treating more than one patient each hour, a practitioner can significantly reduce the price of each treatment, which can be passed on to you, the patient, making it much more affordable. This approach allows us to keep our prices affordable while still providing high-quality care. We believe that acupuncture should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation.
Obviously this may impact patients’ privacy during treatment. We are well aware of this and take steps to ensure high quality patient care: couches will be separated by screens for privacy and couch roll will be used to preserve your dignity. It is rare to have to remove clothes, as the most-frequently used points are on the arms and legs. Trousers and sleeves can be rolled up, or a skirt moved to one side, for example. For this reason, please wear loose clothing when you attend the clinic and you may like to bring a towel or blanket for your own comfort.
Payment is on a sliding scale of £25 – £40, according to your means.
Given the typical fees for acupuncture in Shrewsbury is £50-£60 a session, what we offer at the community is treatments at a significantly lower price. This community clinic does not receive any funding or grants so your contributions help us provide this facility and access to acupuncture treatments for all.
As the clinic is solely sustained by its patients please pay what you can afford based on the income-related payment guidelines below:
The guideline as to what to offer for your treatment is as below:
- £25 if you have a no/minimal income
- £30 if you have a low income
- £35 if you have a modest income
- £40 if you have a good income
From the 7th June the clinic will run every Wednesday. To book a consultation, get in touch direct with Jenna Blair Yoga on 07812 596609 / [email protected]